贺光烨,南京大学社会学院副教授。2016年获香港科技大学社会科学哲学博士。曾为美国洛杉矶加州大学社会学系访问学者,美国纽约大学社会学系访问学者。主要研究兴趣为婚姻家庭、教育、健康、社会分层与流动、定量研究方法等。近年在《社会学研究》、《社会》、《人口研究》、Social Science Research, Social Science & Medicine, Chinese Sociological Review,China Review, Journal of Contemporary China等中英文期刊发表学术论文多篇,同时参与翻译Sage定量研究系列丛书,包括《虚拟变量回归》、《社会统计的数学基础》、《蒙特卡罗模拟》和《贝叶斯统计推断》。
- 研究论文
贺光烨、张瑶、吴晓刚. 2021.《教育程度越高,结婚越晚吗?婚姻市场上本地户口的调节作用 》,《社会》,第1期。
许琪、贺光烨、胡洁. 2020. 《市场化与中国民众社会公平感的变迁》,《社会》,第3期。
贺光烨、李博雅. 2020《家庭贫困对中学生心理健康的影响——亲子沟通、父母关系与父母信心的中介作用.》,《青年研究》,第2期。
陈云松、贺光烨、张柏杨、潘雨,2020.《地域文化力的交互与内卷:中国省际信息流空间的指标、结构和机制》 ,《社会发展研究》,已录用。
柳建坤、何晓斌、贺光烨、张云亮,2020. 《父母参与、学校融入与农民工子女的心理健康——来自中国教育追踪调查的证据》,《中国青年研究》,第3期。
陈云松、张翼、贺光烨,2019, 《中国公众的获得感——指标构建、时空变迁和和宏观机制》,《中国浦东干部学院学报》,第2期。
贺光烨,2019,《变革时代传统的延续:大学生恋爱伴侣的选择》. 《求索》,第4期。
句国栋、陈云松、贺光烨. 2019. 《中国当代人文社科的合作网络图谱》. 《清华社会科学》2019年第1卷第1辑.
贺光烨、简敏仪、吴晓刚,2018,《城镇地区家务劳动和家人照料时间性别差异研究》.《人口研究》年第3期第79-90页 。
陈云松、贺光烨、吴塞尔,2017,《因果、时间与空间:走出定量研究的双重危机》. 《中国社会科学评价》第3期。
英文 (* - 通讯)
He, Guangye, Yunsong Chen, Senhu Wang, Yiqun Dong, Guodong Ju and Buwei Chen. 2020. “The Association between PM2.5 and Depression in China.” Dose Response, accepted.
Chen, Yunsong, Guangye He*, Buwei Chen, Senhu Wang, Guodong Ju, Ting Ge. 2020. “The association between PM2.5 exposure and suicidal ideation: a prefectural panel study.” BMC Public Health 20(1):293. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-8409-2.
Chen, Yunsong, Fei Yan, Guangye He. 2020. “The werther effect revisited: Do suicides in books predict actual suicides?” Poetics, online. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.poetic.2020.101441
Zhang, Liangliang, Guangye He*, Yunsong Chen, and Annan Shi. 2020. “Migration Status, Emotional Engagement and Social Exclusion in Chinese Schools.” Journal of Adolescence,80:192-203. DOI: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2020.02.013
He, Guangye*, Xiaoshan Lin, Guodong Ju and Yunsong Chen. 2020. “Mapping Public concerns of Electronic Cigarettes in China.” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 52(1):13-19.
He, Guangye* and Xiaogang Wu. 2019. “Foreign Domestic Helpers Hiring and Women’s Labor Supply in Hong Kong.” Chinese Sociological Review, 51(4):397–420.
Chen, Yunsong, Guangye He(Co-first author) and Shuanglong Li*. 2019. “Guanxi Networking, Associational Involvement, and Political Trust in Contemporary China.” Journal of Contemporary China, 1-17.
Li, Shuanglong, Yunsong Chen and Guangye He*. 2019. “Mapping Public Concerns about Class Immobility in China.” Social Indicator Research 144(2):745–765.
Yan, Fei, Guangye He* and Yunsong Chen. 2018. “The Health Consequences of Social Mobility in Contemporary China.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(12): 2644.
He, Guangye*, et al. 2018. “Using the Baidu Search Index to Predict the Incidence of HIV/AIDS in China.” Scientific Reports 8:9038.
Li, Shuanglong, Yunsong Chen and Guangye He*. 2018. Laugh and Grow Fat: Happiness Affects Body Mass Index among Urban Chinese Adults. Social Science & Medicine 208:55-63.
He, Guangye and Muzhi Zhou. 2018. “Gender Difference in Early Occupational Attainment: The Role of Study Field, Gender Norms, and Gender Attitudes.” Chinese Sociological Review 50(3):339-366.
He, Guangye and Xiaogang Wu. 2018. “Dynamics of Gender Earnings Inequality in Reform-Era Urban China.” Work, Employment and Society, 32(4):726-746. https://doi.org/10.1177/0950017017746907.
Kan, Man-Yee, and Guangye He. 2018. “Resource Bargaining and Gender Display in Housework and Care Work in Modern China.” Chinese Sociological Review 50(2):188-230.
Wu, Xiaogang and Guangye He*. 2018“Ethnic Autonomy and Ethnic Inequality: An Empirical Assessment of Ethnic Policy in Urban China.” China Review 18(2):185-215.
He, Guangye and Xiaogang Wu. 2018. “Marketization, Occupational Segregation, and Gender Earnings Inequality in urban China.” Social Science Research 65:96-111.
Zhou, Muzhi, Xiaogang Wu and Guangye He. 2017. “Marriage in an Immigrant Society: Education and the Transition to First Marriage in Hong Kong.” Demographic Research 37:567-598.
Ji, Yingchun, Xiaogang Wu, Shengwei Sun and Guangye He. 2017 “Unequal Care, Unequal Work: Towards a More Comprehensive Understanding of Gender Inequality in Post-Reform China.” Sex Roles 1-14.
Wu, Xiaogang, Guangye He. 2016. “Changing Ethnic Stratification in Contemporary China”, Journal of Contemporary China 25: 938-954.
Wu, Xiaogang, Guangye He. 2015. “The Evolution of Population Census Undertakings in China, 1953-2010”. China Review 15(1): 171-206.
Wu, Xiaogang, Hua Ye and Guangye He. 2014. “Fertility Decline and Women’s Empowerment in China.” Chinese Sociological Review 46(3): 3-25.
贺光烨. 2017. 《大数据技术背后的认识论问题》《中国社会科学报》, 2017年1月.
贺光烨.2015. 《大学生的专业性別隔离》《中国大学生发展报告,2015》李路路主編,中国人民大学出版社 .
贺光烨2014. 《中国大学生的恋爱和婚姻观》《中国大学生发展报告,2014》李路路主編,中国人民大学出版社.
贺光烨、吴晓刚. 2014. 《港人的健康与就医行为》《紫荊论坛》2014年第2期 [3-4月].
吴晓刚、贺光烨. 2014. 《香港长者的基本状况描述: 来自香港社会动态调查的结果》《紫荊论坛》2014年第1期 [1-2月].
- 书籍
陈云松、贺光烨. (编). 2020. 《定量群学十讲》第一册. 《社会文献出版社》
Bayesian Statistical Inference (by Gudmund R. Iversen), Shanghai: Truth and Wisdom Press 《贝叶斯统计推断》格致出版社.上海人民出版社, 2019.
Monte Carlo Simulation (by Christopher Z. Mooney), Shanghai: Truth and Wisdom Press《蒙特卡罗模拟》格致出版社.上海人民出版社, 2018.
Regression with Dummy Variables (by Melissa Hardy), Shanghai: Truth and Wisdom Press.《虚拟变量回归》格致出版社.上海人民出版社. 2010.
A Mathematical Primer for Social Statistics (by John Fox) Shanghai: Truth and Wisdom Press.《社会统计的数学基础》格致出版社.上海人民出版社. 2010.